Our product (on site application) provides ideal treatment (Thermal and Impact Noise) of this New Shopping Mall while providing pleasant indoor's sound environment.
Product Highlights
Prefabricated or on-site installation with our custom design, our highly resilient Cell-Spray specially-made fiber base combined with CP-2002™ and our other patented components.

Insul-Pac is truly an innovative product made from processed materials and components that result in an unsurpassed lightweight treatment system with the highest STC and IIC ratings in the construction industry today.

It is truly lightweight with an effective acoustic and thermal control treatment custom design that enables more flexible building design, which significantly reduces project structural costs, typically by 25% or more.

In addition to high STC and IIC performance, it has highly efficient thermal conductivity that significantly prevents condensation while reducing building energy consumption costs.

Insul-Pac has one hour fire endurance rating. Unlike conventional insulation or other similar products, Insul-Pac is noncorrosive and contains no corrosive binder so it prolongs the lifespan of metal roofing systems.

Insul-Pac awarded: Most Innovative Building Product of 2002.
This new Theaters with titanium roofing system treated with our product to eliminate impact noise and for high efficiency thermal conductivity.
Typical Treatment – Metal Roofing System
Note: For product Approvals and Ratings, Technical Specifications and Standard Compliances - Please refer to Page - Approvals and Ratings.
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